The connection between gut bacteria and good health is fuelling the use of microbes in both humans and animals across the globe.
For thousands of years, people have used fermented foods to supplement their diet. In the 1990s, improved technology dramatically increased our capability to research the gut microbiome and, in 2001, the World Health Organisation issued a formal definition of probiotics.
Microbial-based biological products are becoming increasingly recognised as the keys to sustainable farming, reducing chemical use, and developing a healthier ecosystem for everyone to enjoy.
What are microbes?
Microbes are live bacteria and yeasts found all around us every day. Microbial bacteria are classified by genus, species, and strain. Each is unique, and each has different properties. Microbials found in MYLO®, when consumed in sufficient quantities or the right combination, will provide a health benefit.
How do they work?
Consuming the right mix of microbes increases the abundance of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which optimises fermentation in the rumen.
These beneficial bacteria produce metabolites that inhibit harmful pathogens through increased competition for nutrients. Microbes also improve digestion, increasing the rumen and intestinal linings so nutrients and energy are more easily accessed and absorbed.

Why feed microbials to calves?
When a calf is born, its gut is immature, making it particularly susceptible to harmful bacteria and pathogens. The microbiota in the gut is still developing and pathogens are easily able to establish.
The microbial population established in the calf’s gastrointestinal tract will impact that animal for life.
Feeding MYLO® helps establish the right microbes in the intestinal tract to suppress disease-causing organisms and minimise stress on the immune system, allowing calves to grow into healthier cows.