A biostimulant that improves plant productivity.
Great Land Plus® is Terragen’s patented liquid that contains micro-organisms to help your crop maximise nutrient uptake.
The biostimulant that’s good for the planet and your pocket.
Using Great Land Plus® may reduce the farmer’s requirements for harmful chemicals and fertilisers. This is to the benefit of the environment and your budget bottom line.
In an independent University of Queensland (UQ) study, cows grazing pasture treated with Great Land Plus® produced more milk and showed a reduced risk of mastitis.
Through improvements in bioprocessing practices, Terragen ensures the quality and stability of Great Land Plus®. Every batch undergoes internal and external quality control.
Great Land Plus® is a certified organic in Australia and New Zealand and complies with the USDA National Organics Program (NOP).

Amplify nature to improve soil health and create crop growth benefits.
How to apply Great Land Plus®
Great Land Plus® can be applied to foliage or the plant root zone.
Best results are achieved when applying early or late in the day as this helps avoid ambient heat, particularly in warmer months. Application before irrigation or a period of rainfall can help increase Great Land Plus® penetration.
Be sure to refer to the Great Land Plus®Tank-Mixing Compatibility Register before mixing with other products.
The product has an application rate of 4L per hectare, which we recommend be applied three to four times per season, during active growing periods. Methods most commonly used are boom spray, fertigation or aerial spray.
Application rates, frequencies and methods vary between pastures or crops and growing conditions.
Contact Terragen or our agency partners for advice on how to tailor Great Lands Plus® application for your specific crop.